Crab Fair 2024 will be held on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 September 2024

Welcome to the Egremont Crab Fair website. Home of the Gurning World Championships.

Egremont Crab Fair and Sports was established in 1267, which makes it one of the oldest fairs in the world. It combines ancient and traditional events with modern attractions in a unique way, attracting visitors from all over the world. Events start at teatime on Friday with a free concert Dancing In The Street. Main street comes to life again on Saturday morning with the Apple Cart being the spectacle at 12.30pm.

Then follow the crowds up to the Crab Fair Field to check out all the local producers, take a look in the craft marquee, watch the sports, dog shows, equestrian events, ferret shows and much more. The kids will love the kids area with their very own kids arena and lots of fair rides, mobile zoo and other star attractions. If its music you enjoy get up to Crab Fest and dance into the night.

If The World Gurning Championships are more your thing then head to The Market hall at 6pm.

We hope you enjoy our website, which will be updated regularly so please come back again and again.

 Be  sure to pay a visit to picturesque Egremont on Crab Fair day and enjoy the friendly atmosphere, catch an apple during the parade of the apple cart, watch or take part in the sports, marvel at the entertainers and displays, then witness the world’s finest gurners in action in the evening.

The Crab Fair is run entirely by volunteers, who give up their time throughout the year to help raise funds for the main event in September. A large amount of planning goes into the Crab Fair to help make the weekend run as safely and as smoothly as possible. Without the hard work of the committee and donations from the public and local businesses, the annual Crab Fair event would no longer be a part of Egremont’s heritage.

Apple Cart

The Gurning World Championships

Up The Field

Down The Street 

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